Saturday, April 27, 2013

It is a sunday morning and I am thinking how to start?
How to start with what I want to share?
How will it help?
You who are reading this, would you even pay heed to it?
Complexities, dilemmas,and a lazy night asking me to doze off and then those sweet memories of my preparation days flash in front of my eyes.
It was good to be unaware of the complexities of selection.To be unaware of the criteria, the parameter which will decide who gets a shot , who doesnot.It was only about studies.It was only about Number system,Algebra,Arithmetic (Geometry was and will never be a subject that can allow me to understand it) . It was only about Reading Comprehensions,Grammar,Critical Reasoning.The Mocks , Sectional.If one actually sits down and analyse CAT of any particular year , one is bound to appreciate the simplicity and beauty of the exam.Designed to test one's aptitude,presence of mind,patience,calmness and confidence . All of this in just 140 minutes.And then one gets on the other side of CAT and realises what is the use of such an elaborate and well crafted exam when 90 percent of BEST COLLEGES in INDIA for MBA don't give a damn about one's cat score.
Coming back....At this moment what are you thinking? Pre final year, job,MBA? Interestingly I would like to suggest to you something that will be hard to swallow.Stop thinking about all this.These are ends and as great HARSHA BHOGLE said ends donot have the power to drive you , to make you passionate.Chasing ends doesnot really help the ordinary(for the extra ordinary , well they are destined to be successful! Don't believe in destiny till yet? ) because how can you tell what the end would be like? where will it come? what will it bring? Since you donot know anything about it so why contemplate? you can talk about where you currently are, what can you see from here and how will you reach till your next destination which should be the farthest distance that you can see from your naked eye(from where you are stadning now!)
Decoding it... when I was in this month of april , I was left with my project submissions and final exams . I used to attend college religiously and when at home I used to devote around 2 hours for study.Usually between 10-12 in the night.While I was doing this , my main aim was always to improve.Improve from what I was till yesterday to what I can be tomorrow.Can I give the quant masters a run for their money by improving(quant was my weakness)? Can I improve so much that I master both verbal and quant?
For ex: "Ohh shit!! I am not able to understand geometry and sir has already started with geometry 3.I have to finish my assignments of Geo-1 and Geo-2 asap so that I can clear my doubts before 15th may, the day when he will give us the assignment for geo-3" and then I used to work towards doing that.
Take another ex:"Mock 2 I scored 65 out of 180.In verbal I got 45 but in quant I was stuck at 20!!! Mock 3 is scheduled for this sunday.I need to revise , re revise Number systems which was taught to me in december, I will take new assignments and solve them to check how much I have retained. I will try to solve more questions of geometry, If I am able to solve 3 out of 6 questions of geometry in the paper I will be happy.Verbal I will study in the last two days.I have to work upon my weakness!"
Such immediate goals and short targets helped me analyze at each step of my preparation, my current situation and how to get to the next stop.

So since it is a start,try and incorporate this in your life and try to stay away from all kind of speculations and nonsense stuff about which B school ,how and why!!


  1. really a good and helpful article....

    1. thank you pawan.hope it helps others preparing for CAT 2013.
